For Your Engineering Success

Empowering Next-Generation Power Electronics Professionals (PSMA Corner)

The Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) is dedicated to fostering the next-generation power electronics professionals through initiatives that encourage student participation in the industry. Consequently, PSMA has partnered with IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) to support two prominent programs—the APEC Student Travel Support Program and the APEC Mentorship Program. These programs illustrate PSMA’s commitment to promoting interaction between students and industry professionals, providing them with opportunities for learning, networking, and career advancement.

Empowering Future Experts

The APEC Student Travel Support Program offers financial assistance to selected students who are traveling to present their accepted papers at the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), which is cosponsored by PELS, IAS and PSMA. Through this initiative, students are provided with opportunities to connect with leading professionals in the power electronics field, gain practical knowledge outside of the classroom, and showcase their work to potential future employers.

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