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Women In Engineering


Initiatives and Programming to Support Women Pursuing a Career in Engineering

PELS Women In Engineering (WIE) is committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in philosophy and practice throughout its organization and programming. Inclusiveness allows PELS to embrace the diversity of its members and their careers while respecting everyone’s needs and values with honesty and transparency. To support this commitment, the PELS Women in Engineering (WIE) group was formed.

PELS WIE is a dedicated group that serves PELS and focuses on the development of events that support and welcome the entire community to be a part of the conversation. Its goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciples globally. The group envisions a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity. 

PELS WIE is also a part of the global IEEE WIE network that has over 22,000 IEEE members and volunteers who help promote women engineers and scientists and inspire girls around the world to follow their academic interests with a career in engineering and science.

woman engineer
What We Do

WIE Initiatives and Resources

new initiatives

Develop New Initiatives

WIE understands that our member’s contributions are essential to our collective growth. We collect feedback from members to identify opportunity areas and develop new initiatives to increase participation at all levels of PELS. 

networking events

Educational & Networking Events

WIE events focus on broadening the discussion around the experiences of underrepresented groups in engineering and how to support women through professional development as well as diversity and inclusion topics. Events are open to all members of the PELS community regardless of gender identity .

Membership Advancement

WIE actively supports the advancement of women members to becoming IEEE Senior Members. We identify and nominate women engineers to become IEEE Fellows, to foster their acknowledgement and recognition.

visibility tracking

Visibility Tracking

WIE tracks the statistics of PELS members who are women and a part of Administrative Committees, Conference Committees, Distinguished Lecturers, IEEE Fellows, Journal Editorial Boards, PELS Award Recipients, and Regional Distinguished Lecturers.


PELS WIE Pledge: The IEEE Power Electronics Society pledges to work toward diversified representation and participation at all IEEE PELS meetings, conferences, and events.  All aspects of diversity will be considered, including but not limited to: gender, region, affiliation, race, ethnicity, and culture.

In their words

Other initiatives

Support for Events

PELS is offering support for WIE activities at conferences.  Each submission is evaluated by the PELS WIE Committee for consideration and will receive a response within seven business days.  In exchange for funding, the requestor must commit to providing the following items:

Words for Thought

The IEEE Power Electronics Magazine publishes peer-reviewed articles related to power electronics and their applications, which encompass the effective use of electronic components, application of control theory and circuit design techniques, and the development of analytical tools used in efficient and effective energy conversion, control, utilization, and conditioning of electric power.

Below is a selection of articles written by the PELS WIE Committee related to women in engineering:

Need Our Help?

If you have an upcoming event and could use our support, reach out today.

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