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Education and Global Outreach

Take Advantage of Educational Resources and Connections Across the Globe

One of the Society’s critical missions is to uphold the educational aspects of power electronics and their applications. The PELS Digital Media and Education Committees contribute, lead, and support this mission by creating interest, disseminating knowledge, and fostering engagement among the PELS members and the public.

As part of our work in this area, we are:

  • Using a variety of digital platforms to provide educational material and discuss topics of interest. 
  • Creating opportunities to support students and young professionals who pursue careers in the power electronics field.
  • Building strong global relationships with corporations, educational institutions, and organizations worldwide for collaboration.
  • Investing in educational outreach to shape the engineers of tomorrow.
Person - Katherine Kim
VP Education and Global Relations

Katherine Kim
National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Resources and Opportunities

Ongoing Activities

Digital Resources

engineering webinar


PELS webinars educate members about the various areas of power electronics.

podcast 2


PELS podcasts highlight various topics while having conversations with leaders of the power electronics field.



PELS peer-reviewed videos feature experts from around the world who share their knowledge of power electronics.

Student Opportunities

young woman presenting thesis

PELS Ph.D. Thesis Talk (P3 Talk)

The PELS P3 Talk is a competition that showcases Ph.D. projects to the power electronics community.

happy audience clapping

International Future Energy Challenge (IFEC)

IFEC is an undergraduate student competition focusing on the design of power electronic systems.

conference meeting hand shaking

Ph.D. Schools

This is an immersive program for graduate students and YPs championed by Ph.D. Schools worldwide.

Global Relations

PELS strives to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with other professional societies, educational institutions, and organizations. Through these efforts, we support opportunities for jointly sponsored activities, fostering innovation and advancing the power electronics field on a global scale.

Further Education

Other Ways to Advance Your Knowledge

PELS Resource Center

Access webinars, conference presentations, workshops, and more.

Community Calendar

Sign up for an upcoming event, conference, or class.

Crossword Puzzles

A fun and engaging way to test your knowledge and learn new skills.