About the Award
The IEEE McMurray Award for Industry Achievements in Power Electronics recognizes the work of engineers working in the field of power electronics that has shown or is likely to show a major impact on the industry and the resulting products possibly on society. Since 2019, it has been dedicated to the memory of William McMurray of General Electric in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Honorarium (USD 3,500)
- Plaque
- Reimbursement towards the recipient’s necessary conference registration, travel, and accommodation costs incurred to attend the award ceremony (up to USD 1,000)
How to Submit a Nominee
To submit a nominee, you will need to log into your existing IEEE account (or register for a new one) to identify as a nominator. Select the “IEEE McMurray Award for Industry Achievements in Power Electronics” and enter the required data and documents.
The portal to submit an application is now open. Please submit your nomination by March 31, 2025.
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Details About the

2024: Don Tan
For pioneering industry-first contributions and impactful leadership in advancing space power electronics and power systems.
Don Tan (Fellow, IEEE) received his Ph.D. from Caltech (USA). He is currently with NGSS, where he served up to the executive level as a Distinguished Engineer, Fellow, Chief Engineer-Power Conversion, program manager, department manager, and center director (acting).
Dr. Tan has pioneered breakthrough innovations with high-impact industry firsts and record performances that enhance national security, including the recently deployed James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). JWST received Time Magazine’s Invention of the Year Award in 2022 and the Robert J. Collier Trophy in 2023 since it represents humanity’s most powerful telescope for a historic mission.
He has received over 60 awards and recognitions and delivered over 70 keynotes and presentations around the globe. Dr. Tan is currently the Chair of the IEEE Fellow Committee and IEEE Board of Directors and the Steering Committee Chair of IEEE eGrid. Dr. Tan also served as the Director on the IEEE Board of Directors, Chair of the PELS Long Range Planning Committee and the PELS Nominations Committee, PELS President, founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, General Conference Chair for APEC, Vice President of Operations and Meetings, Guest Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, and IEEE Chair for the IEEE/Google Little Box Challenge.
Any active IEEE member is eligible. There is no restriction on affiliation, age, gender, IEEE member grade, or nationality.
Criteria: Judgment of the nominees will be based on the following criteria:
- Advancement of the technology
- Benefit to the society
- Impact on the relevant technical community and profession
- Patents, inventions, products, and design
- Relevant activities in the field
- Quality of technical achievement and contribution to the field
- The quality of the nomination
- Validated impact on products
Shinzo Tamai
Noriko Kawakami
Amit Gupta
Patrick Chapman