Student Travel Grants
PELS provides travel support to students who present papers at a PELS-sponsored event. These travel grants aim to increase student participation at IEEE conferences and workshops.
Recipients are chosen so students from as many countries as possible receive support. If there are more applicants than available funds, preference will be given to the best papers according to the review rating and students who have not previously been selected.
How to Apply
Interested students should complete an application on the corresponding conference’s or workshop’s website.
More information
Eligibility and
Students must be both an IEEE Student Member and a PELS member. They must also have a paper accepted and be able to present the paper. Preference will be given to students who are the first author on a paper and have more than one accepted paper.
All reimbursements are at the discretion of the applicable committee. Any decisions made by a committee are final and cannot be appealed or debated. Reimbursements will be completed after the conference has concluded and students have sent in the necessary reimbursement forms and receipts.
Events With Travel Support
PELS provides travel support for other conferences and workshops not listed here. Please access the event’s website to see if student travel support is available.
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition
Amount: Up to USD 1,000
An applicant must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a power electronics program at an accredited institution. Only student authors and co-authors of accepted papers are eligible. Travel support granted to students from the same institution is limited but can be shared. If there are qualified applications from more than sixty schools, support can be reduced to USD 500 for students in the United States. Students who received this award in the past are no longer eligible. Recipients are chosen by the APEC Student Travel Support Committee.
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
Amount: Up to USD 500
An applicant must be either a PELS or IAS Student Member, a presenting author (oral or poster), willing to perform some volunteer duties during the conference, and have full registration. Awards are selected by a committee of PELS and IAS members based on the qualifications and financial needs of the applicant. A check will be issued to the recipient with either a W-9 or W-8 tax form.
IEEE International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging
An applicant must be a PELS Student Member, a presenting author (oral or poster), be willing to perform some volunteer duties during the workshop, and have full registration. Awards are selected by a committee based on the qualifications and financial needs of the applicant and will be issued during the conference.
IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference
Amount: Up to USD 800
An applicant must be an IEEE Student Member, a PELS member, have a paper accepted, and present the paper at the conference.