committee scope
To provide strong technical focus in the theory, design, and application of power electronics components, systems, standards, and grid interface technologies related to efficient power conversion for all types of electrified transportation, including electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs), as well as heavy-duty, rail, and off-road vehicles, airplanes, and ships.
TC 4 Leaders
Mahesh Krishnamurthy
Illinois Institute of Technology (USA)
Liaison (TEC)
Fei Gao
University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard (France)
Vice-Chair (Nominations and Elections)
Alireza Khaligh
University of Maryland – College Park (USA)
Vice-Chair (Conferences)
Mathias Preindl
Columbia University (USA)
Babak Nahid Mobarkeh
McMaster University (Canada)
Vice-Chair (Educational Activities)
Bulent Sarlioglu
University of Wisconsin – Madison (USA)
Jin Ye
University of Georgia (USA)
Berker Bilgin
McMaster University (Canada)
Liaison (Mentorship)
Liang Du
Temple University (USA)
Liaison (Standards)
Omer Onar
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)
More Information
TC 4
Awards: TC 4 administers the IEEE PELS Vehicle and Transportation Systems Achievement Award to honor outstanding contributions from innovators and researchers who contribute to the advancement of power electronics in-vehicle and transportation systems.
Publications: TC 4 occasionally proposes special issues to the IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (TTE). TC 4 also proposes guest editors and supports the organization and review of submissions.
Transportation Electrification Council (TEC): As the home TC for transportation electrification, TC 4 leads the technical activity for the IEEE Transportation Electrification Council (TEC), which spans air, land, and sea vehicles.
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