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Our Publications

Highest Quality, Greatest Impact

IEEE Publishing makes the exchange of technical knowledge possible with integrity, accuracy, the highest quality, and the greatest impact. PELS seeks to publish the highest quality scientific and educational materials in the areas within its scope. The Society covers the globe to bring comprehensive coverage and breaking news on emerging trends, mature and cutting-edge technologies, research breakthroughs, and so much more. PELS seeks to publish these materials in the most timely fashion possible, with wide and rapid dissemination to its members and the public at large.

AI Policy for PELS Publications

With the rapid development of AI technology we would like to share the following guidelines for authors and reviewers.

For paper authors: The use of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated text (e.g., by ChatGPT) in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted IEEE Conference or Periodical. The section of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.

For paper reviewers: The use of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated text (e.g., by ChatGPT) in a paper review process should be done with extreme caution. Using such language tools to improve the writing for better communication with the authors may be permitted. However, uploading a confidential manuscript to such a tool to generate review comments is a clear and serious violation of IEEE review policies.

IEEE Author Center

The IEEE Author Center is a standalone site for journal authors that provides a one-stop-shop to learn about publishing with IEEE. This comprehensive source of up-to-date content is written from the author’s perspective in simple, engaging language and is easily viewed on mobile devices.  The content is organized to follow the author’s path through the publishing process, from writing the article through to post-publication.

Person - Ryan Li
Vice President of Products

University of Alberta Canada

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Portfolio of Publications

TPEL August 2024 cover in color


IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics


IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification


IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics


IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics


IEEE Power Electronics Magazine

PELS-sponsored Publications

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
IEEE Electrification Magazine

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Information for Authors

Open Calls for Papers

Contribute to our publications—see the list of open calls.

Author Center

For journal authors, this is our one-stop-shop to learn about publishing with IEEE.

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