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Empowering Future Leaders: Success at the IEEE ECCE 2024 WIE Events (Women in Engineering)

Qianwen Xu, Sneha Narasimhan, Yunting Liu, and Stephanie Watts Butler
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The IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) 2024, held in Pheonix, Arizona, took a significant step forward in its commitment to diversity and inclusion by hosting two well-attended Women in Engineering (WIE) events: the “Distinguished Leaders Panel and Luncheon” on 21 October and the “Elevated Engineering Series Breakfast: Critical Communication Skills on 23 October. The events were a resounding success, attracting over 380 attendees in total, making them two of ECCE’s most attended WIE events to date.

The luncheon opened with a warm welcome from the panel moderator, Qianwen Xu, ECCE WIE Chair (Figure 1), and was followed by the awards ceremony where the WiE Travel Grant recipients (Figure 2) and WIE Best Presentation Award winners (Figure 3) were presented, recognizing outstanding contributions from rising stars in the field. The panel session followed the awards celebration.

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