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TC 7: Critical Power and Energy Storage Systems

committee scope
TC 7 focuses on the development and implementation of international conferences and other activities as required to treat all matters in which the dominant factors are the research, sustainability, fundamental development, design, application, and management of critical power, energy storage, and related systems.
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Our Leadership

TC 7 Chair Dorin Neacsu

Dorin Neacsu
Technical University of Iasi, Romania

Committee Members


Peter Green
Ventia, Australia


Vishal Anand Aisur Gopalakrishnan
Bloom Energy, India

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Programs, Events and Services

TC 7 participates in various activities, such as considering materials and components used therein, exchanging information through conferences, demonstrations, technical papers, and workshops, and standardizing definitions, nomenclature, operating characteristics, and symbols. The technical areas of TC 7 include:

  • Batteries and associated interface circuitry
  • Other energy storage system
  • Power systems for information and communications technology applications
  • Resilient, reliable, and highly available power infrastructure for mission-critical applications
  • Sustainable power electronics-enabled energy systems for critical applications

TC 7 participates in the following:

  • IEEE Joseph John Suozzi INTELECÒ Fellowship Award in Power Electronics
  • IEEE PELS Energy Storage Innovation Award: TC 7 administers this award to recognize an individual or a group for innovation in energy storage technology that significantly exceeds contemporary performance limits and has practical information in communications energy systems.
  • International Communications Energy Conference (INTELEC): INTELEC is the premier forum for the science and engineering of energy systems for Information and Communications Technologies. Research and technical papers explore the needs and trends in the subject areas of power conversion, energy storage, and high-reliability and mission-critical powering infrastructure. Topics include DC power plants, powering architectures, converters, inverters, batteries, fuel cells, grounding, physical and thermal designs, and building and equipment cooling systems. Tutorials are included in the technical program as well as a comprehensive exhibition of products and equipment.
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