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Voltage, Vision, and Vitality: PELS Updates From the President

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As 2023 approaches its end, the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) reveals a year filled with exciting developments and significant milestones. These achievements are testament to the growing global community of passionate power electronics enthusiasts. This article highlights just a few newsworthy recent events in PELS, including our soaring membership, our trailblazing partnerships, and our shared vision for the future of power electronics throughout Europe and Asia.

Powering Up With Membership

In September 2023, PELS reached an electrifying milestone. PELS now proudly stands as the eighth-largest society amongst the prestigious 39 IEEE societies. Our global family of power electronics enthusiasts has surged to an astounding 12,300 members, distributed across 117 countries. Plus, PELS has also reached a record 262 local chapters, including student chapters. This achievement stands as a testament to the magnetic allure of power electronics, a field charged with innovation and poised to transform the world.

In July, PELS celebrated yet another thrilling PELS Day, a truly global event with 68 electrifying celebrations spanning five continents. What’s more, the PELS Day closing ceremony featured an exciting glimpse of the present and future of power electronics. A special focus is placed on sparking the interest of the rising generation of students, inviting them to become a part of the dynamic PELS family.

Women in Engineering (WIE) a nd Young Professiona l ( Y P) events have also been making waves this year, becoming a fixture at conferences worldwide, from APEC2023 in Orlando, FL, USA to PEDG2023 in Shanghai, China. PELS has taken it a step further, organizing mentorship roundtables at ECCE-Asia2023 in Jeju, Korea and ECCE-Europe2023 in Aalborg, Denmark. These sessions offer young professionals the opportunity to engage in face-to-face conversations with industry ex per t s, prov id i ng i nva luable insights for their growth. PELS goal is to have a WIE and YP event at all of its sponsored conferences, with the hope it gives inspiration and mentorship to all those YPs who are attending.

For example, one of several highlights in 2023 was the IEEE PELS Leaders Conference Korea 2023, held in the heart of Seoul in May. It brought together PELS leadership, esteemed figures from the Korean Institute of Power Electronics (KIPE), Korean Academy, industry experts, and representatives of PELS Seoul and Taegu chapters. The exchange of information and ideas has fortified the bond between PELS, KIPE, and local chapters. But, there’s more in the pot, so let’s dive into the partnership that’s generating ripples of excitement in our community.

Sparking Collaborative Power: A New Partnership With ECPE

There is surge of excitement on the horizon as PELS transitions to a new European partnership that will expand its activities in Europe! In August, PELS made a groundbreaking announcement—a new partnership with the European Center for Power Electronics (ECPE). Headquartered in Nuremberg, Germany, ECPE is an industry-driven research network, comprising over 200 member organizations. Their mission is to champion power electronic education, innovation, research, and technology transfer across Europe. Consequently, the cooperation with ECPE should immediately strengthen PELS value with industry oriented activities throughout Europe.

At the center of this European partnership is the flagship conference, the IEEE ECCE Europe 2024 to take place in Darmstadt, Germany, from 2 to 6 September 2024. This joint IEEE PELS/ECPE conference will be a power-packed extravaganza highlighting the latest trends in renewable energy, power electronics, and electric vehicles. This event promises unique industry participation, extensive tutorials, and thrilling social activities. For those eager to join this captivating journey, the call for papers and more information can be found at

This collaboration is an embodiment of the mission to increase industry participation in conferences, a core pillar of the ongoing PELS Five-Year Strategic Plan. Europe offers a vast landscape of opportunities in power electronics, and this partnership is a way of seizing them. But, the partnership is not just about conferences; it’s a symphony of collaboration across various other fronts. PELS and ECPE are set to join hands in nurturing the workforce of the future, training young engineers and professionals, setting standards, mapping technology roadmaps, boosting membership development, and extending outreach to communities and government s. T he po s sibi l it ie s a re limitless, and this partnership promises to bring exciting synergy to the field. As we take giant strides with this groundbreaking partnership and celebrate our ever-growing membership, PELS remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing the field of power electronics for the betterment of society. The future shines bright, and together, the power electronics community will grow and prosper with enthusiasm and innovation. Contact me if you want to volunteer in any of the PELS efforts!

– Brad Lehman (email)

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