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MHz-Frequency High-Current Power MOSFET Technology for AI Data Centers

Date: 19/09/2024
Time: 10:00 am
Presenter: John Shen
Abstract: Modern-day GPUs have tens of billions of transistors. Better processor performance comes at the price of exponentially rising power demands, so high performance processors for applications like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) demand continuously more power. Meanwhile, core voltages are declining with advanced processing nodes contributing to the growth of the peak currents of up to 2,000A. High-frequency and ultralow RDSON power MOSFETs play a critical role in the high-efficiency ultracompact Power Delivery Network (PDN) to power up the AI chips. This talk will discuss various types of the power MOSFETs in terms of RDSON, gate charge, capacitance, and other performance parameters and their advantages and disadvantages in modern PDN converter designs, including vertical trench MOSFETs. LDMOS transistors, and GaN FETs.
Zheng John Shen
Dr. John Shen is currently a professor and director of School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering at Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada. He has over 34 years of academic, industrial, and entrepreneurial experience in the field of power electronics and power semiconductor devices. He has authored or co- authored roughly 350 journal and conference papers, several book chapters, and 20 issued U.S. patents, and co-edited two books on Direct Current Fault Protection: Basic Concepts and Technology Advances (Springer, 2023), and Wide Bandgap Power Electronics: Emerging Converter Technologies and Applications (Springer, 2024), respectively. He was with Motorola Inc. 1993-1999, the University of Michigan-Dearborn 1999- 2004, the University of Central Florida 2004-2012, and Illinois Institute of Technology 2013-2021. He served as a board member and Chief Scientist of GWS Semiconductor (now a division of Renesas Electronics) between 2002 and 2012 and currently serving on the board of directors of Vicor Corporation (NASDAQ: VICR). He invented the lateral MHz-frequency flip-chip power MOSFETs, which is now widely adopted into the ultra-compact power delivery networks for supercomputers, servers, and AI chips. He served the IEEE PELS in various capacities including Vice President of Products, AdCom member at large, Chair of PELS Distinguished Lecturers Program, general chair, technical program chair, or organizing committee member of over 30 international conferences, including General Chair of the 8th IEEE Energy Convergence Congress and Expo (ECCE2016) and of the 30 th IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD2018). He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Inventors.